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Welcome to my Portfolio!

I’m liticx aka Siddhant Panpatil 😊,an undergraduate student studying Electronics and Communication Engineering at the IIIT, in Nagpur, India. My personal interests lie strongly within the realms of cybersecurity 🔒, artificial intelligence (AI) 🤖, reverse engineering and Disruptive Technology. I’m captivated by the profound implications and the transformative power these domains hold in our ever-evolving digital world 🌐. Also as a tech enthusiast, I am committed to comprehending and protecting digital identities, acknowledging the critical role they play in our interconnected society 🧠. Through my blog 💻, I strive to demystify complex technological concepts, making them more accessible and less intimidating. I invite you to join me on this enlightening journey, as we delve into the complexities and explore the limitless potential together!👫